Medical Articles with References to Partial Trisomy 16
Articles are listed in alphabetical order by author. Each entry includes author, title, publication information, and a PMID number link to where an abstract of the article may be found along with other publication information and resources.
Click Here for a list of articles with references to Mosaic Trisomy 16,Trisomy 16, Uniparental Disomy (UPD) and/or Confined Placental Mosaicism.
Bacino CA, et
Trisomy 16q in a female newborn with a de novo X;16 translocation and
hypoplastic left heart. Am J Med Genet. 1999 Jan 15;82(2):128-31.
9934975; UI: 99131674.
Eggermann T,
et al.
A case of de novo translocation 16;21: trisomy 16q phenotype and origin
of the aberration.Ann Genet. 1998;41(4):205-8. Review.
PMID: 9881183;
UI: 99097858.
S, et al.
Partial trisomy 6p from a de novo translocation (6;18) with variable
mosaicism in different tissues. Clin Genet. 1997 Aug;52(2):126-9.
9298749; UI: 97442200.
Schinzel A,
et al.
Trisomy first, translocation second, uniparental disomy and partial
trisomy third: a new mechanism for complex chromosomal aneuploidy. Eur
J Hum Genet. 1997 Sep-Oct;5(5):308-14.
PMID: 9412788; UI: 98074268.